579 research outputs found

    Covid-19 vaccinations : the unknowns, challenges and hopes

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    The entire world has been suffering from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic since March 11, 2020. More than a year later, the COVID‐19 vaccination brought hope to control this viral pandemic. Here, we review the unknowns of the COVID‐19 vaccination, such as its longevity, asymptomatic spread, long‐term side effects, and its efficacy on immunocompromised patients. In addition, we discuss challenges associated with the COVID‐19 vaccination, such as the global access and distribution of vaccine doses, adherence to hygiene guidelines after vaccination, the emergence of novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) variants, and vaccine resistance. Despite all these challenges and the fact that the end of the COVID‐19 pandemic is still unclear, vaccines have brought great hope for the world, with several reports indicating a significant decline in the risk of COVID19‐related infection and hospitalizations.peer-reviewe

    Ciencias Sociales: EconomĂ­a y Humanidades

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    Este volumen I contiene 29 capĂ­tulos arbitrados que se ocupan de estos asuntos en TĂłpicos Selectos de Ciencias Sociales: EconomĂ­a y Humanidades, elegidos de entre las contribuciones, reunimos algunos investigadores y estudiantes.GĂłmez, presenta un breve examen de la producciĂłn y comercializaciĂłn de rosa en MĂ©xico; Arpi y Portillo realiza un estudio en MĂ©xico sobre el ingreso mĂ­nimo de las familias que identifica la lĂ­nea de pobreza alimentaria en el ĂĄrea rural del sur de MĂ©xico, 2012; Bravo realiza un pequeño estudio donde hablarĂĄ sobre el anĂĄlisis comparado del Sector Gubernamental y la EconomĂ­a Mexicana desde la perspectiva de los eslabonamientos productivos Hirshman-Rasmuss; Caamal, Pat, JerĂłnimo y Romero realizan un estudio sobre los canales de comercializaciĂłn de limĂłn persa en el municipio de MartĂ­nez de la Torre, Veracruz; MacĂ­as y Perales nos hablarĂĄn sobre una anĂĄlisis del comercio estratĂ©gico en el TLCAN: El Estado en la polĂ­tica agrĂ­cola de biocombustibles; Figueroa, PĂ©rez y GodĂ­nez se expresan acerca de la importancia de la comercializaciĂłn del cafĂ© en MĂ©xico; SepĂșlveda, SepĂșlveda y PĂ©rez realizan un diagnĂłstico, retos del comercio electrĂłnico en el Sector Agroindustrial Mexicano; Duana mediante su trabajo nos muestra y habla sobre la inversiĂłn extranjera directa y su impacto en crecimiento de MĂ©xico, un anĂĄlisis en prospectiva: 1999-2010; Figueroa, PĂ©rez y RamĂ­rez hacen un estudio acerca sobre la importancia de la Banca en MĂ©xico; PĂ©rez, Figueroa, GodĂ­nez y PĂ©rez presenta un trabajo acerca de la competitividad de la producciĂłn agrĂ­cola en MĂ©xico, un anĂĄlisis regional; RodrĂ­guez, Espinosa y MĂĄrquez analizan todo acerca de el SIAL productor de quesos en Poxtla, competividad y territorio; Garza nos habla acerca de la intermediaciĂłn financiera al servicio de la comunidad indĂ­gena: el fondo regional indĂ­gena Tarhiata Keri; Arroyo, Aguilar, Santoyo y Muñoz realizan un estudio acerca de la demanda de Importaciones de durazno (Prunus pĂ©rsica L. Batsch) en MĂ©xico procedentes de Estados Unidos de AmĂ©rica (1982-2011); Loera y SepĂșlveda analizan los parĂĄmetros de la productividad forestal en la producciĂłn de madera en rollo; PĂ©rez, Morett y Tecpan realizan un anĂĄlisis de factores sociales, ambientales y econĂłmicos del territorio rural cercano a la ciudad de MĂ©xico; GodĂ­nez, Figueroa y PĂ©rez realizan un estudio acerca de la crisis econĂłmica mundial y su efecto sobre los flujos migratorios de AmĂ©rica Latina; MagadĂĄn, HernĂĄndez y Escalona presentan la tipologĂ­a de los sujetos sociales que intervienen en el mercado campesino de OcotlĂĄn Oaxaca; Tavera y Cobos nos hablan de la normalizaciĂłn del proceso de compostaje: una opciĂłn para desarrollar el mercado de la composta; Piña y PĂ©rez hablan acerca de la reestructuraciĂłn del capitalismo y crisis polĂ­tica en MĂ©xico; GonzĂĄles, Rucoba y RamĂ­rez realizan un estudio de la rentabilidad de la producciĂłn de miel en el municipio de LeĂłn, Guanjuato; RamĂ­rez, GutiĂ©rrez y Figueroa realizan un estudio acerca de la economĂ­a del maĂ­z en la regiĂłn metropolitana, Chiapas, 2014; Bueno, MĂ©ndez y Cruz realizan un estudio y anĂĄlisis de los centros de educaciĂłn y cultura ambiental, necesidad de profesionalizaciĂłn PedagĂłgica de facilitadores ambientales; Pat, Caamal, JerĂłnimo y Mendoza presentan un estudio acerca de los Costos y competitividad de la producciĂłn del limĂłn persa en el municipio de MartĂ­nez de la Torre, Veracruz. Vizuet presenta un trabajo de la construcciĂłn polisĂ©mica e histĂłrica del concepto de la pobreza; Navarrete, RĂ­os y ArĂ©valo presentan un estudio acerca de la producciĂłn ejidal de tomate rojo (Lycopersicum esculentum) en el DR-017, y su huella hĂ­drica; PĂ©rez y Piña hablan acerca de la productividad e inversiĂłn extranjera: La industria de Alimentos; PĂ©rez, Figueroa, GodĂ­nez y GĂłmez presentan el trabajo sobre el sector primario en MĂ©xico; PĂ©rez, Figueroa, GodĂ­nez y GĂłmez presentan acerca de los subsidios al campo como instrumento de polĂ­tica econĂłmica en MĂ©xico; Venegas, Perales y Del Valle realizan un estudio de rentabilidad de biodigestores y motogeneradores para diferentes tamaños de granjas porcinas en MichoacĂĄn

    Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Approximately 450 000 children are born with familial hypercholesterolaemia worldwide every year, yet only 2·1% of adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia were diagnosed before age 18 years via current diagnostic approaches, which are derived from observations in adults. We aimed to characterise children and adolescents with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (HeFH) and understand current approaches to the identification and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia to inform future public health strategies. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, we assessed children and adolescents younger than 18 years with a clinical or genetic diagnosis of HeFH at the time of entry into the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) registry between Oct 1, 2015, and Jan 31, 2021. Data in the registry were collected from 55 regional or national registries in 48 countries. Diagnoses relying on self-reported history of familial hypercholesterolaemia and suspected secondary hypercholesterolaemia were excluded from the registry; people with untreated LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) of at least 13·0 mmol/L were excluded from this study. Data were assessed overall and by WHO region, World Bank country income status, age, diagnostic criteria, and index-case status. The main outcome of this study was to assess current identification and management of children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia. Findings: Of 63 093 individuals in the FHSC registry, 11 848 (18·8%) were children or adolescents younger than 18 years with HeFH and were included in this study; 5756 (50·2%) of 11 476 included individuals were female and 5720 (49·8%) were male. Sex data were missing for 372 (3·1%) of 11 848 individuals. Median age at registry entry was 9·6 years (IQR 5·8-13·2). 10 099 (89·9%) of 11 235 included individuals had a final genetically confirmed diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia and 1136 (10·1%) had a clinical diagnosis. Genetically confirmed diagnosis data or clinical diagnosis data were missing for 613 (5·2%) of 11 848 individuals. Genetic diagnosis was more common in children and adolescents from high-income countries (9427 [92·4%] of 10 202) than in children and adolescents from non-high-income countries (199 [48·0%] of 415). 3414 (31·6%) of 10 804 children or adolescents were index cases. Familial-hypercholesterolaemia-related physical signs, cardiovascular risk factors, and cardiovascular disease were uncommon, but were more common in non-high-income countries. 7557 (72·4%) of 10 428 included children or adolescents were not taking lipid-lowering medication (LLM) and had a median LDL-C of 5·00 mmol/L (IQR 4·05-6·08). Compared with genetic diagnosis, the use of unadapted clinical criteria intended for use in adults and reliant on more extreme phenotypes could result in 50-75% of children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia not being identified. Interpretation: Clinical characteristics observed in adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia are uncommon in children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia, hence detection in this age group relies on measurement of LDL-C and genetic confirmation. Where genetic testing is unavailable, increased availability and use of LDL-C measurements in the first few years of life could help reduce the current gap between prevalence and detection, enabling increased use of combination LLM to reach recommended LDL-C targets early in life

    Ciencias Sociales: EconomĂ­a y Humanidades HANDBOOK T-I

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    Se presenta un breve examen de la producciĂłn y comercializaciĂłn de rosa en MĂ©xico; un estudio en MĂ©xico sobre el ingreso mĂ­nimo de las familias que identifica la lĂ­nea de pobreza alimentaria en el ĂĄrea rural del sur de MĂ©xico, 2012; un pequeño estudio donde hablarĂĄ sobre el anĂĄlisis comparado del Sector Gubernamental y la EconomĂ­a Mexicana desde la perspectiva de los eslabonamientos productivos Hirshman-Rasmuss; un estudio sobre los canales de comercializaciĂłn de limĂłn persa en el municipio de MartĂ­nez de la Torre, Veracruz; una anĂĄlisis del comercio estratĂ©gico en el TLCAN: El Estado en la polĂ­tica agrĂ­cola de biocombustibles; tambiĂ©n se expresan acerca de la importancia de la comercializaciĂłn del cafĂ© en MĂ©xico; un diagnĂłstico, retos del comercio electrĂłnico en el Sector Agroindustrial Mexicano; trabajo nos muestra y habla sobre la inversiĂłn extranjera directa y su impacto en crecimiento de MĂ©xico, un anĂĄlisis en prospectiva: 1999-2010; un estudio acerca sobre la importancia de la Banca en MĂ©xico; un trabajo acerca de la competitividad de la producciĂłn agrĂ­cola en MĂ©xico, un anĂĄlisis regional; se analizan todo acerca de el SIAL productor de quesos en Poxtla, competividad y territorio; se habla acerca de la intermediaciĂłn financiera al servicio de la comunidad indĂ­gena: el fondo regional indĂ­gena Tarhiata Keri; ademas un estudio acerca de la demanda de Importaciones de durazno (Prunus pĂ©rsica L. Batsch) en MĂ©xico procedentes de Estados Unidos de AmĂ©rica (1982-2011); Loera y SepĂșlveda analizan los parĂĄmetros de la productividad forestal en la producciĂłn de madera en rollo; un anĂĄlisis de factores sociales, ambientales y econĂłmicos del territorio rural cercano a la ciudad de MĂ©xico; un estudio acerca de la crisis econĂłmica mundial y su efecto sobre los flujos migratorios de AmĂ©rica Latina; MagadĂĄn, HernĂĄndez y Escalona presentan la tipologĂ­a de los sujetos sociales que intervienen en el mercado campesino de OcotlĂĄn Oaxaca; la normalizaciĂłn del proceso de compostaje: una opciĂłn para desarrollar el mercado de la composta; acerca de la reestructuraciĂłn del capitalismo y crisis polĂ­tica en MĂ©xico; la rentabilidad de la producciĂłn de miel en el municipio de LeĂłn, Guanjuato; la economĂ­a del maĂ­z en la regiĂłn metropolitana, Chiapas, 2014; anĂĄlisis de los centros de educaciĂłn y cultura ambiental, necesidad de profesionalizaciĂłn PedagĂłgica de facilitadores ambientales; los Costos y competitividad de la producciĂłn del limĂłn persa en el municipio de MartĂ­nez de la Torre, Veracruz

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

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    In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. For example, a key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process versus those that measure fl ux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process including the amount and rate of cargo sequestered and degraded). In particular, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation must be differentiated from stimuli that increase autophagic activity, defi ned as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (inmost higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium ) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the fi eld understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. It is worth emphasizing here that lysosomal digestion is a stage of autophagy and evaluating its competence is a crucial part of the evaluation of autophagic flux, or complete autophagy. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. Along these lines, because of the potential for pleiotropic effects due to blocking autophagy through genetic manipulation it is imperative to delete or knock down more than one autophagy-related gene. In addition, some individual Atg proteins, or groups of proteins, are involved in other cellular pathways so not all Atg proteins can be used as a specific marker for an autophagic process. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field

    Search for new particles in events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A search is presented for new particles produced at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV, using events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb(-1), collected in 2017-2018 with the CMS detector. Machine learning techniques are used to define separate categories for events with narrow jets from initial-state radiation and events with large-radius jets consistent with a hadronic decay of a W or Z boson. A statistical combination is made with an earlier search based on a data sample of 36 fb(-1), collected in 2016. No significant excess of events is observed with respect to the standard model background expectation determined from control samples in data. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on the branching fraction of an invisible decay of the Higgs boson, as well as constraints on simplified models of dark matter, on first-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying to quarks and neutrinos, and on models with large extra dimensions. Several of the new limits, specifically for spin-1 dark matter mediators, pseudoscalar mediators, colored mediators, and leptoquarks, are the most restrictive to date.Peer reviewe

    Combined searches for the production of supersymmetric top quark partners in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A combination of searches for top squark pair production using proton-proton collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb(-1) collected by the CMS experiment, is presented. Signatures with at least 2 jets and large missing transverse momentum are categorized into events with 0, 1, or 2 leptons. New results for regions of parameter space where the kinematical properties of top squark pair production and top quark pair production are very similar are presented. Depending on themodel, the combined result excludes a top squarkmass up to 1325 GeV for amassless neutralino, and a neutralinomass up to 700 GeV for a top squarkmass of 1150 GeV. Top squarks with masses from 145 to 295 GeV, for neutralino masses from 0 to 100 GeV, with a mass difference between the top squark and the neutralino in a window of 30 GeV around the mass of the top quark, are excluded for the first time with CMS data. The results of theses searches are also interpreted in an alternative signal model of dark matter production via a spin-0 mediator in association with a top quark pair. Upper limits are set on the cross section for mediator particle masses of up to 420 GeV

    Probing effective field theory operators in the associated production of top quarks with a Z boson in multilepton final states at root s=13 TeV

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